From The President
Remembering Flo Gault

Spring is always an inspiring time on our campus, with a group of our students completing their passage through seminary and embarking on vocations as graduates. Naturally, that makes this a season of reflection as well.
If we're not careful, it can become too easy to travel through life without reflecting on the people who have made our journey possible. Here at MTSO, we worship, study, dine, socialize and live in facilities named for people who have contributed enormously to the church, the community and, specifically, this school.
For many years, our students and faculty have shared the classrooms and offices of Gault Hall, a gift of the family of Stanley C. and Flo K. Gault. Their generosity has deeply enhanced the programming and administrative work of the seminary as well.
It was clear during Flo's April 22 memorial service at Wooster United Methodist Church that MTSO is one of numerous organizations that are richer for her devotion to the church and her passion for education.
Flo joined the board of MTSO in 1987 and was named an emeritus trustee in 2010. Throughout that time, we benefited from her insight, her commitment to our mission and her interest in the future of theological education. Gault Hall was built as a state-of-the-art learning center, and the many ways we've worked to apply the latest educational technology in recent years have had her enthusiastic support. She understood what it means to hold MTSO in trust.
I'll personally miss Flo's friendship and counsel, and I extend my condolences again to Stan and the rest of her loving family. I trust it gives them some measure of comfort to know future generations will be served by the seminarians who prepare for ministry within Gault Hall, a vibrant symbol of her investment in the work of this place.