HyFlex Education

MTSO classes are offered both in person and online, across the curriculum.

We employ HyFlex (short for “hybrid-flexible”) education, through which classes are taught in person and remotely via Zoom – both at the same time. A typical class includes an instructor and some students together in a classroom, joined by other students who participate remotely. MTSO’s state-of-the-art classroom technology brings everyone together for meaningful interaction in real time.

When you are admitted to your degree program at MTSO, you may choose whether to attend courses primarily in person or online. The vast majority of our classes meet synchronously, which means you will meet with your colleagues at the same time each week whether you are on campus or online. You can come to campus every week, several times a semester, several times a year, or not at all. Even if you've told the registrar you will be attending primarily in person, you can choose each class session how you want to attend – and vice versa.

No matter how you participate in your courses at MTSO, you will be engaged in an immersive experience, with all students present and cameras on. All students are part of the MTSO community, no matter their physical location.

Why does MTSO offer HyFlex education?

Students have varying needs and preferences regarding the way they attend classes. Personal schedules, geographical distance and individual learning styles all can affect whether it’s best to take a course in person on the MTSO campus or remotely from home. HyFlex classes give individual students options while also providing the opportunity to connect with faculty and classmates.

Can I complete my full degree online?

While all of our classes are offered online through HyFlex, please note that the following degree requirements must be completed in person:

Your first academic advising appointment will be with the registrar, who will work with you to explore your options and build a schedule. You’ll find our course schedules here.

What if I am a United Methodist candidate for ordination?

Learn about options for fulfilling UM requirements here.

What if I am an international student?

International students on an F1 visa must take all but one class residentially on the MTSO campus each semester. You are permitted to count only one online class each semester toward your full course of study, per U.S. Department of Homeland Security regulations.

The MA in Social Justice degree is primarily online, so international students who are interested in the MASJ will need to pair the degree with one of our other master’s degrees.

Because of online residency requirements, the Doctor of Ministry degree is not available to international students.