MTSO presents ‘Silent No More: A Series of Conversations on Human Sexuality’
Seven November events planned

Methodist Theological School in Ohio will host a series of public events regarding human sexuality Nov. 1 through 16. "Silent No More: A Series of Conversations on Human Sexuality" includes seven events, all held in the Alford Centrum on the campus of MTSO, 3081 Columbus Pike, Delaware, Ohio.
Rev. Benjamin Reynolds, Director of the LGBTQ Religious Studies Center at Chicago Theological Seminary, will present the "Silent No More" keynote address at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 1. Reynolds was a Baptist pastor serving churches in the Denver area until he came out as a gay man. He is now a member of the United Church of Christ. Following his address, Reynolds will respond to questions from the audience and preach at a 7 p.m. worship service.
The film For the Bible Tells Me So will be viewed and discussed at 7 p.m. Nov. 2. Through the experiences of five families, including those of former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt and Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, the documentary explores how people of faith handle the realization that they have a gay child.
Rev. Audrey Conner of First Christian Church in Lynchburg, Va., will preach on the theme "Become You" in MTSO's chapel service at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 8.
The documentary Call Me Malcolm will be viewed and discussed at 7 p.m. Nov. 9. The film documents the journey of transgender seminary student Malcolm Himschoot as he determines that he was a boy born into a girl's body and takes the necessary steps to externally live into his male gender.
Rev. Eric Williams, pastor of North Congregational United Church of Christ in Columbus, will preach on the theme "They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love" in MTSO's chapel service at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 15.
"Transgender 101," a panel discussion around what transgender means and how we all relate to people who are transgender, will be held at 7 p.m. Nov. 15.
Rev. David Meredith, pastor of Broad Street United Methodist Church in Columbus, will lead a discussion on the theme "LGBTQ in CHURCH" at 7 p.m. Nov. 16. The conversation will focus on the ways congregations can be more open and welcoming of people regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Methodist Theological School in Ohio prepares transformational leaders of many faith traditions for service to the church and the world. MTSO offers master's degrees in divinity, counseling ministries, theological studies and practical theology, as well as a Doctor of Ministry degree. For more information, visit www.mtso.edu.
Leslie Taylor, director of student life
ltaylor@mtso.edu, 740-362-3126
Danny Russell, director of communications
drussell@mtso.edu, 740-362-3322