MTSO welcomes UM ministry candidates and campus pastors

Two significant United Methodist events took place on MTSO's campus in July, beginning with a meeting of campus pastors from around the country.
More than 90 members of the United Methodist Campus Ministry Association gathered for the group's annual Summer Institute July 17-20, experiencing first-hand the school's unique beauty, hospitality and farm-to-table dining. MTSO welcomed not only campus pastors but sponsors, plenary speakers and preachers.

Members of the extended MTSO community provided leadership throughout the Summer Institute. Dean Valerie Bridgeman preached at opening worship, with President Jay Rundell celebrating communion. MTSO alum Anna Guillozet (’11), senior pastor of Church of the Master UMC, led a morning worship service. West Ohio Bishop Gregory Palmer, an MTSO trustee, preached at closing worship. And during a closing-night banquet, faculty members Yvonne Zimmerman and Tim Van Meter gave a presentation on MTSO's ecological commitments and the way sustainability is woven into degree programs. See MTSO's Facebook page for a Summer Institute photo album.
Less than a week after the campus pastors departed, the East Ohio and West Ohio conferences' Candidacy Summit Retreat began. The twice-yearly event centers on those exploring a call to UM ministry. This is our sixth year of hosting this event every July and January. It's a privilege we embrace.
A Candidacy Summit photo album is here.