Master of Divinity


This specialization is designed for students who intend to seek professional certification as Board Certified Chaplains by the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) and other such agencies. Students will develop a pastoral-theological framework of justice, inclusivity, and appreciation for the diversity and complexity of human experiences. They will also acquire critical tools for assessing needs and providing pastoral and spiritual care to people who are experiencing various existential difficulties and suffering.


The APC requires four units of clinical pastoral education (CPE) for certification as a Board Certified Chaplain. After completing the M.Div., students will apply for a year of residency at an approved CPE training program. Applications should be made one year before the desired placement. Students will apply for board certification after fulfilling all APC requirements. Chaplaincy certification from APC generally requires an endorsement from a religious denomination, in the form of ordination or commissioning. Additional courses may be required in order to meet these requirements. Students should consult with their respective denominations or religious bodies to determine what other requirements are necessary.

PC-500: Introduction to Pastoral Care is a degree requirement for all M.Div. students and is a prerequisite for this specialization’s courses. The specialization also requires the completion of PC-510: Clinical Pastoral Education plus three pertinent courses from the list below, selected in consultation with the specialization coordinator and your faculty advisor.

  • PC-510: Clinical Pastoral Education
  • PC-640: Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy I
  • PC-661: Pastoral Theology of Suffering
  • PC-665: Forgiveness in Pastoral Care and Counseling
  • PC-672: Trauma and Narrative Pastoral Care and Counseling
  • PC-711: Multicultural Perspectives and Issues in Pastoral Care and Counseling
  • PC-721: Gender, Race, and Class Issues in Pastoral Care
  • PC-756: Spiritual Dimensions of Illness and Recovery
  • PC-771: Grief Care and Counseling
  • PC-772: Integrating Spirituality and Pastoral Care


Fulgence Nyengele