Master of Arts in Practical Theology

Ecology and Justice Specialization

The Ecology and Justice Specialization constructs a foundation in practical theology for engaging systems that support thriving of life for future generations. Students will be equipped to seek ways for answering a call to be in gracious and wise relationships with fellow creatures in shared contexts in the natural world.


12 credit hours from the following list of courses.

CE620 Resisting Biocide: Environmental Justice Ethics

CE661 Christian Social Ethics

CE/CT/PT752 Ecofeminist Theologies of Liberation

CH642 Christianity and Social Issues in the U.S.A.

CH736 Julian of Norwich

CH750 Wesley and Society

CH767 The Social Gospel Movement

CT/CE751 Ecotheology and Global Ethics

ED640 Ecological Religious Education

HB715 Genesis

HB781 Gender, Race, and Ecology in the Hebrew Bible

HM730 Community Organizing and Preaching: Power, Action, and Justice

LS675 Leading Transformational Change

PT540 Doing our Own Work

PT600 Food, Land, and Faith Formation

PT601 Field Theology: Water and Watersheds

PT606 A Deeper Shade of Green: Black Eco-Theology and Ethics

PT605 Practical Theology and Ecology

PT610 Spiritual Formation and Social Change

PT615 Prophetic Hope and Creative Practice

PT/WO620 Worship, Ecology, and Social Justice

PT/SR635 Celtic Spirituality

PT640 Knowing Where We Dwell


A note about dual degrees and specializations: There are some limitations to overlapping requirements between M.Div. specializations and dual degree requirements. For example, in the dual M.Div./MAPT degree, students cannot use the M.Div. required Spirituality course in a MAPT specialization as well.

Also, dual degree students cannot combine certain specializations because of the overlap. For example, in the M.Div. program a student may have a Spirituality specialization, but if that student is also seeking a MAPT degree, the student may not specialize in Spiritual Formation and Small Group Ministry. Please contact the registrar for more details.