Master of Arts in Practical Theology

Youth and Young Adult Ministry Specialization

The specialization equips students to understand the religious, spiritual, cultural, economic and developmental contexts of youth and young adults. Students will learn to construct spaces for adolescents and young adults to continue on a journey of lifelong faith.

Graduates will form ministries that invite young people into companionship with the generations who have gone before and as pilgrims leading generations to follow.


12 credit hours from the following list of courses.

CE-730: Queer Theological Ethics

CT/SR-733: The Nones: Spirituality and Belief Beyond Religion

CT-740: Theology and Film

ED-505: Ministry with/for/by Youth

ED-510: Adolescent World

ED-615: Ministry with Young Adults: Intimacy, Vocation and Community

ED-630:Intergenerational and Children’s Ministry

ED-680: Creating Learning Environments

PC- 785: Counseling Interventions with Troubled Youth plus PC-772: Integrating Spirituality and Pastoral Care

PC-613: Theories of the Development of the Self and of the Life Cycle


A note about dual degrees and specializations: There are some limitations to overlapping requirements between M.Div. specializations and dual degree requirements. For example, in the dual M.Div./MAPT degree, students cannot use the M.Div. required Spirituality course in a MAPT specialization as well.

Also, dual degree students cannot combine certain specializations because of the overlap. For example, in the M.Div. program a student may have a Spirituality specialization, but if that student is also seeking a MAPT degree, the student may not specialize in Spiritual Formation and Small Group Ministry. Please contact the registrar for more details.